
Use the right level of screen brightness

The light emitted by the laptop display consumes a considerable amount of energy and it is for this reason that you need to use the right level of screen brightness. And then, let’s face it: if you use the laptop mainly at home, in the office or in any case in environments not exposed to particularly intense light sources, it is unlikely that you need to have the brightness of the screen always at maximum.

Not sure how to turn down the brightness of your display? I guarantee you that it is a very simple operation: if you use a Windows laptop, for example, you can act directly on the keyboard by pressing the Fn key on it and then pressing one of the two keys in which the sun symbol is depicted. Unfortunately I cannot give you precise indications in this regard because the position of the keys in question varies from laptop to laptop; some manufacturers, for example, allow you to adjust the brightness by pressing the F2 and F3 keys, while still other manufacturers have assigned this function to the F11 and F12 keys.

If you want, you can also adjust the brightness level from the Windows Control Panel. If your computer is updated to Windows 10, type “change brightness level” in the search field located at the bottom left, click on the first result that is offered to you and, in the window that opens, use the cursor under the heading Change brightness to adjust the level of brightness you prefer and which is more suitable for your surroundings.

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