
Find a balance for the charge level

A phone charged between 20% and 80% is ideal for maintaining battery life. Of course, you won’t be able to keep your eyes on your phone’s charge level all the time, but with a little effort, you will get there. It doesn’t say that if the phone comes in at 100% or 10% that’s a big deal, but if the cell phone is in general between 20 and 80% that would be ideal.

Pick the right time to charge it
Don’t let your phone drain completely before plugging it in for the sake of the battery. The ideal would be to do small frequent charges than to do a long charge in one go. Don’t leave the phone charging until it reaches 100% either. When it reaches full load too, remove it from the load. Make good use of these tips to get an acceptable lifespan from your phone.

Let the phone rest once in a while
A phone that is on, even when not in use, still consumes power and therefore decreases battery life. Therefore, it is advisable to turn off your device from time to time to guarantee it more longevity. Before sleeping at night, you can turn off the phone to let the battery rest overnight.

Remember to activate airplane mode

When you are in an area where there is no network or your phone is working on wifi, your battery consumes much more than usual and quite quickly. To extend the life of your battery, the ideal is to put your phone in airplane mode.

Manage the brightness of your phone yourself.
In general, cell phones have a feature that regulates the brightness according to the environment in which you find yourself. Sure, it’s a useful feature, but it’s power-hungry. The best thing is to turn it off and regulate the brightness of your phone yourself.

Download an energy saving app
There are apps that can detect which features and apps are consuming the most power. This type of application also saves energy by cleaning the phone periodically.

Perform more “heavy and complex” tasks with your computer

It is true that a Smartphone can do everything, but in order to extend your battery life, you could perform certain tasks with a computer. So if you want to follow an online course or conference, open several pages at a time for research… the ideal would be to use a computer. Not only will this save your battery life, but it will also make you more comfortable with your tasks.

Avoid overheating your phone
Typically, you put the phone on charge at night before you go to bed so that it can be used all day the next day. This is a good practice for the user, but not for the phone battery which is gradually being destroyed. And for good reason, it takes about 3 hours to fully charge a mobile phone while all night, the phone spends more than 3 hours in charge, hence the overheating.

You should also take care not to expose your device to any major heat source such as the sun. Also be sure to avoid long gaming sessions on the phone and use it while it is charging. Finally as soon as you feel that the mobile phone is overheating, you stop everything and leave it at rest.

Prefer charging your phone to plug directly to a computer
Indeed, there is energy loss when using the port of a computer to charge the phone. The latter will then take longer to charge, which could cause the battery to overheat. However, any overheating of the battery is harmful to it, because it damages the battery and thus reduces its lifespan.

Remember to clean your mobile phone and update it regularly
Whether your apps are in use or not, you should know that they all use battery power. Deleting the apps you no longer use helps your phone’s battery save energy. Likewise, when you do not frequently update apps and the phone system, they require more energy to operate. You should therefore update regularly.

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