
Find a balance for the charge level

A phone charged between 20% and 80% is ideal for maintaining battery life. Of course, you won’t be able to keep your eyes on your phone’s charge level all the time, but with a little effort, you will get there. It doesn’t say that if the phone comes in at 100% or 10% that’s a big deal, but if the cell phone is in general between 20 and 80% that would be ideal.

Pick the right time to charge it
Don’t let your phone drain completely before plugging it in for the sake of the battery. The ideal would be to do small frequent charges than to do a long charge in one go. Don’t leave the phone charging until it reaches 100% either. When it reaches full load too, remove it from the load. Make good use of these tips to get an acceptable lifespan from your phone.

Let the phone rest once in a while
A phone that is on, even when not in use, still consumes power and therefore decreases battery life. Therefore, it is advisable to turn off your device from time to time to guarantee it more longevity. Before sleeping at night, you can turn off the phone to let the battery rest overnight.

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