It is absolutely worth it and recommended to replace your battery when it has passed its duration. It will cost you some money on a new product and a possible servicing fee. But trust me; you want this for your laptop. Because it will be more cost-effective than replacing the laptop. Laptops are such a…
How Long Does a Laptop Battery Last Before It Needs to Be Replaced?
Typically, a well-made, fresh laptop battery will last for 2-4 years. This amounts to about 1,000 charge cycles, give or take. After this period, it is best to get replaced with a new one. Obviously, several factors determine how every individual battery is going to perform. Not every battery is built the same way nor…
System Report
In addition to performance issues, most laptops are already equipped with technology to check their overall health. For Mac users, expect to receive a battery service warning when service is needed. For Windows users, consider generating a battery report to check your battery’s health. Depending on the messages from your laptop, you can easily determine…
Slow Charge
In addition to issues stemming from charging, it may also be a warning sign if your laptop charges exceptionally slowly. A healthy laptop battery will charge quickly and retain its power when disconnected from the charger. If your laptop is charging at a snail’s pace, or even worse- only charging when connected to the outlet,…
While there are many great options for both Mac and PC fans on the market, no laptop is designed to last forever. If you’re experiencing power issues with your device, it may simply be due to its age. Don’t be surprised if you experience power issues. Generally, laptop batteries become problematic after 1-2 years or…
Your Laptop Keeps Shutting Down
While the occasional glitch may not always signify battery issues, be sure to make a note of how often your laptop powers down on you. If your Mac or PC powers off unexpectedly, and especially after a recent charge, you can likely assume a faulty battery is the cause. Try charging your laptop again, but…
All laptops are designed to cool themselves during use and dispel excess heat. If you notice your laptop is hot to the touch, your battery is likely working too hard and unable to cool itself. Your battery is having to work harder to power applications. Often, an excessively hot laptop will also be noisy since…
You Have to Charge the Computer Often
One of the most obvious signs it may be time to reassess your laptop battery is if it dies much sooner than it used to. On average, expect a fully charged laptop battery to last six hours (depending on the programs used). But as the laptop battery ages, it doesn’t hold its charge for as…
How Do I Know My Laptop Battery Needs Replacing?
Nothing can put a damper on your laptop experience quite like a faulty battery. From trouble charging to overheating and more, there are a few tell-tale signs to look for when a malfunctioning battery is affecting your laptop’s performance.
When Should I Change The Laptop Battery?
Batteries make laptops such a versatile device but they will not last forever. Batteries are considered by most laptop manufacturers to be consumable items that wear out over time, and for a good reason. Every battery has a lifespan after which you have to replace it. Even batteries in storage typically lose 20-35% capacity per…