
Turn off location

While it won’t save much power, turning off its Location Services may help, Apple suggests. Likewise for Bluetooth, WiFi or mobile data if they are not used. In general, switching to “airplane mode,” i.e. cutting off all connections, saves an additional 30 minutes to watch a downloaded video on an iPhone, according to tests conducted by Mac World magazine. These tools consume few resources but it’s always taken!


Sort out your apps

When the storage capacity of the phone exceeds 80%, the device is forced to work harder to perform its tasks. The solution ? Sort through your applications and eliminate those you don’t use. Doing a little tour in the photos and videos in order to transfer them to a cloud or a hard drive is not too much either! It is also recommended to limit the number of notifications received via these applications, keeping only those that you consider useful and disabling the others in the settings.

It is also possible, to save battery, to disable the refreshing of applications in the background, points out Apple. An app goes into the background when not in use or closed. On the other hand, it would be counterproductive to insist on closing all the applications once launched: a “dormant” application is ready to use, while the one that has been closed will have to completely reload and will draw power. energy.


Reduce brightness

Putting your phone on maximum brightness can be very energy-consuming. It is therefore better to reduce it if our environment allows it, in other words if there is not too much sun. Auto-brightness is an option that allows the phone to adjust the brightness level on its own depending on the lighting conditions.

It is also possible to switch your phone to “dark mode”, that is to say switch the background color of the system to black. This will allow the device to illuminate fewer pixels and therefore consume less power.

In the same way, replacing your beautiful wallpaper with a black screen or making sure that your screen stays on for as short a time as possible by reducing the time before going to sleep in the settings are other solutions.


Keep the battery charged between 40% and 80%

It is advisable to apply the “40-80” rule, i.e. keep the battery charged between 40% and 80% at all times. You should therefore not wait for the phone to be completely flat to recharge it, nor charge it to 100%! Unlike old nickel batteries, lithium batteries better support short cycles, with several regular recharges.

Similarly, when you store your phone in the closet for a long time, it is better to store it with a 50% charged battery and then turn off the device, explains Apple.


Avoid leaving your laptop plugged in all night

“If you charge your laptop to 100% and keep it at 100%, leaving it to charge overnight, this will have a negative effect on its aging”, because of lithium-ion batteries, summarizes Dominik Schulte, general manager of the German battery technology consulting company BatterieIngenieure, quoted by the American media Business Insider. Modern chargers are supposed to automatically cut off the power as soon as the battery reaches 100%. Except that in reality, the phone discharges even when it is not used. The charger then continues to power the phone as soon as it detects the slightest discharge. This alternation between mini-charges and mini-cuts risks altering the autonomy of the battery in the long term.


When should the phone be charged?

The expert also gave me this tip to preserve battery life. It is best not to let the phone discharge too much: never below 20%. Likewise, never fully charge it. Guess the reason? Quite simply, because the connection time is too long for the electrodes. By the way, have you noticed that the charging time between 88 and 100% is much longer? Quite simply, because “it pulls” a lot more on the battery to fill it up…and that’s where it damages it. So, do not hesitate to connect the smartphone regularly. The ideal is that the autonomy is around 50%. And if you wonder why, read the following:

Why is a 50% charge optimal?

Finally, when does the battery perform at its best? Well, according to all phone manufacturers, the battery tops out around 40%. To give a slightly wider range: between 30 and 60%. This is where it discharges the slowest. Besides, when you buy a new phone and turn it on for the first time, the charge is around 40%. It is not a coincidence.


Is it not recommended to charge your phone several times a day?

I’m sure you’ve asked yourself this question before. Especially when you are used to plugging in the laptop several times a day. Does it damage the battery? Well, no…contrary to what one might think. It would actually be the opposite. Small partial charges would even have a benefit on the battery itself. This is what I am explaining to you now.

Charging the phone in multiple times is actually beneficial

The mobile phone expert who sold me mine explained this technique to me. This involves charging the phone for short periods several times during the day. The idea is to earn between 10 and 30% each time. But why ? Because a long charging period makes the electrodes work continuously. And even more if you use a fast charger. This is not a good thing, because it forces the battery ions to move from one electrode to another for too long. Which can tend to damage it.


Never drain the battery completely before recharging it

This is a mistake I tend to make regularly. As soon as I see that my battery is low, hop I recharge it quickly. To my credit, I’ve always heard that you shouldn’t wait until the battery is empty to plug in your phone. But actually it depends on the model. This is not necessarily a good idea for all smartphones. For example, for the iPhone battery, it is recommended to let them fully discharge once a month. It’s Apple who says so, as we explain to you here.

How to avoid this error?

It’s easy. Once a month, allow the iPhone battery to discharge completely. When it is completely empty, reload it. It’s a simple way to preserve it longer and save money.


Charge your smartphone with any charger

Some chargers are of very poor quality… Others are downright incompatible with your device. In this case, your battery can be damaged more quickly and see its lifespan decrease. In the worst case, the device may even catch fire.

How to avoid this error?

It is therefore best to use a charger of the same brand as your smartphone. We are thus almost sure that the two are compatible. And this allows efficient and fast charging. If you want to take a charger from another brand, no problem. But you just have to make sure that it is of good quality and compatible, by consulting the technical sheets and opinions for example. You can also inquire with smartphone vendors.


Charge your phone in direct sunlight

We talk about the cold because it’s the season… But the heat in summer isn’t much better! Having tested it last summer, I can tell you that it is not ideal for these delicate little devices. Especially during a heat wave… When you charge your device, it tends to heat up. So if you do it in direct sunlight, it overheats. And it’s not ideal for device components.

How to avoid this error?

Never charge your phone leaving it in direct sunlight. In general, do not expose it to direct sunlight or heat. This is why it is not recommended to leave it in the car or in your pocket, especially in summer, during heat waves. And it’s not a good idea to put it under the pillow either.