
Google Drive per Android è stato aggiornato per essere più social e intelligente

Il team di Google negli ultimi mesi sta lavorando duramente per il miglioramento della suite di prodotti dell’azienda dedicata alla produttività, anche per tenere testa a quella di Microsoft e nelle scorse ore ha annunciato di à avere introdccotto un’itache nriportante’ di Google Drive, Documenti, Fogli e Presentazioni.

Le novità introdotte in Google Drive, Documenti, Fogli e Presentazioni

Ci riferiamo ad alcune delle feature relative ai commenti ed alle azioni in queste popolari applicazioni del colosso di Mountain View. Queste le novità introdotte:

*interfaccia più ampia e chiara per semplificare la visualizzazione dei commenti e del relativo contesto in un documento

*scorciatoie e gesture per aiutare gli utenti a scorrere rapidamente e rispondere a più commenti

*pulsante di accesso rapido per rispondere, “@” per menzionare qualcuno e per assegnare attività

Tali novità, già disponibili per gli utenti Android nelle app Google Documenti, Fogli e Presentazioni, vengono ora rilasciate anche per l’app Google Drive. In queste ore, inoltre, tali feature vengono introdotte nelle versioni iOS di Google Documenti, Fogli e Presentazioni ( per Drive gli utenti dovranno attende un update che sarà rilasciato in futuro).

Le nuove feature annunciate dal team di Google sono disponibili per i seguenti tipi di utente: Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard ed Enterprise Plus, nonché per i clienti G Suite Basic, Business, Education , Enterprise for Education e Non profit.


Sony Xperia 1 IV review: the smartphone with real optical zoom


The Xperia 1 IV stands out from the start with beautiful finishes and its characteristic flat-edged design. On the other hand, if you were planning to put it on a table so that it would stand on its own, good luck. The surface is probably not wide enough to support his large body.

An impression of grandeur of course reinforced by the 21:9 screen format, again a hallmark of Xperia. If vertically, you lose a little maneuverability with one hand (nothing that a little practice can not adjust), the comfort of grip is generally irreproachable. This is the kind of phone that you keep in hand at all times without any problem, the format curling up perfectly in your palm. The contained weight of 185 grams, rare in this price segment, and the reasonable thickness of 8.2 mm contribute greatly to this.


One of the stars of the phone is undoubtedly its 4K screen (3840 x 1644 pixels), 6.5 inches with its 21: 9 format (120 Hz). Let’s be clear, no other brand offers this set of features. By this we mean that not only are 4K screens on smartphones not running the streets, but that Sony is also paying for the luxury of offering an original screen format suitable for watching movies.

Of course, each and everyone will be able to judge the usefulness of this definition and this screen ratio, but note all the same that fans of cinema or series who use their smartphone in transport to catch up with the latest series Netflix or Disney+ will undoubtedly be able to be seduced.

Already, rest assured, on the coverage of colorimetric spectra, it’s all good. Standard mode offers 145% of sRGB and 98% of DCI-P3. Of course, with a phone at this price, we expected a little more, but let’s not be choosy.

Where we can be a bit more critical is on color accuracy. The screen displays an average delta E of 4.69, a little too far from the figure of 3 below which the human eye no longer sees the difference. In particular, note that on whites, but also on flesh colors, the delta E tends to move away a little from what we are looking for.

Likewise, the standard mode tends to push the blues a bit too hard, displaying 7475 K (against 6500 K ideally). However, this parameter can be easily corrected in the settings and you can easily obtain 6500 K by pressing the D65 option in the white balance menu. An option that is both precise and practical, therefore, that we would like to find on more terminals. We also measured a rather good peak brightness of 882 cd/m2. This ensures good readability outdoors, even in direct sunlight.

To finish on the screen, remember the presence of a creator mode. This allows you to be closer to the image desired by the creator of a film, for example, or to obtain a more neutral and desaturated image. In addition, this creator mode can be activated automatically on the applications of your choice. Convenient for example if you want to activate it on a photo editing app, but not when you wander through your messages on a daily basis. A good idea, because if you apply the creator mode to the entire interface, you quickly realize that the rendering is flatter and bland.


Why Do Laptop Batteries Swell?

It is known to all that almost all batteries are lithium batteries now. When charging, the lithium electronic polymer will produce a small amount of gas when it is discharged, which will cause a slight expansion, that’s normal. Overtime that gas will build up and cause the battery to expand.
Other Causes of Laptop Battery Swelling

1- overcharging.
2- Manufacturing defect, such as no protective plate inside, unreasonable distribution of positive and negative plates, uneven distribution of lye (electrolyte),etc.
3- Exposure to high temperature, the battery will be overheated and deformed.
4- Deep discharge.
5- Damage to the battery, such as damage to the membranes that separate the internal layers of the battery.
6- Natural aging.
7-Using a charger of the wrong voltage rating.


Windows 11 22H2, the update of the Microsoft operating system for PCs is available: all the news

With autumn comes updates for all operating systems. After those of Apple, iOS 16 in the lead (here all the tricks to know), it’s time for news also for Microsoft which has launched the long-awaited annual update of Windows 11, in code 22H2 (acronym which stands for the second half of 2022) presented in June 2021 and available since last October 5th. Greater ease of use, better flexibility of some functions, attention to the themes of productivity, creativity and accessibility and centrality in job security are the keywords of the update released by the Redmond company. Windows 11 2022 is available in 190 countries around the world including Italy. However, some announced innovations will only be operational from the next few weeks.


You can now sign in to your Microsoft accounts without a password

Microsoft is already in the future. The Redmond firm has just integrated a new option to allow you to connect to your Microsoft account without a password.

A few months after offering it to its professional users, Microsoft has just rolled out a new option. It allows all users to deactivate the password of an account and is now offered in the security settings.

The Redmond giant offers to configure Windows Hello, to use a physical security key, to use a verification code received by e-mail or SMS, or to go through its Microsoft Authenticator authentication application.

With this new step, the American company allows you to connect without a password on almost 100% of its services. By deploying this option to as many people as possible, Microsoft hopes to help its users strengthen the security of their account, especially for those who never change their password or use one that is too easy to crack.


How to activate the Google Assistant installed in the Chrome UI

The integration of Google services with proprietary applications developed by the Mountain View giant continues to grow, and in this case we are talking about the arrival of the Google Assistant UI for voice searches within Google Chrome on Android. Until today, in fact, a tap on the microphone-shaped icon present in the Google Chrome search omnibox entails the activation of the classic voice search UI by now known to all, while from today it is possible to activate the new Google Assistant search UI.

A flag is enough to activate the new UI
Available in version 87 of Google Chrome, currently the new voice search with Google Assistant can be activated using the following flag:

Once you have entered the above code into the Google Chrome URL box and have chosen the “Enable” item, you can see the appearance of the Google Assistant UI like the one shown in the GIF below after restarting the browser.

Basically, the search results do not change, but the new interface makes the user experience more homogeneous between the use of Google Assistant at the operating system level and within the web browser. The feature was already being worked on since January, but it is only now possible to activate it using the appropriate flag.

If you haven’t already done so, we recommend updating Google Chrome to the latest version available via the Play Store badge below.


Avoid idle charging

Charging overnight or in a cradle during the day is a very common habit, but it’s not recommended for several reasons (the old “overcharging” myth isn’t one of them). First, continuous trickle charging of a full battery can cause plating of the metallic lithium, which reduces stability in the long term and can, in rare cases, lead to system-wide malfunctions and reboots. Secondly, as we just mentioned above, it leaves the battery at a higher stress voltage when at 100%. Third, and most important, it creates excess heat caused by wasted power dissipation.


Partial charging is just fine for lithium-ion batteries and even has some positive benefits.

Notably, operating at a low voltage is good for a battery’s lifespan, increasing the number of available charging cycles before you’ll start to see a significant reduction in capacity. Roughly speaking, every 0.1V decrease in cell voltage doubles the cycle life, according to Battery University. Therefore, charging up your phone in that 30% to 80% range keeps the voltage lower and might slightly prolong the battery’s lifespan.


Partial charging is a healthy habit

One particularly persistent battery myth is that you need to occasionally fully discharge and recharge to erase “battery memory.” This couldn’t be more wrong for lithium-ion batteries. It’s a leftover myth from lead-acid cells, and it’s pretty undesirable to charge your modern smartphone in this way.

Partial charging is just fine for lithium-ion batteries and can have some positive benefits for cell longevity. To understand why it’s important to appreciate how a battery charges. Li-ion batteries draw constant current and operate at a lower voltage when closer to empty. This voltage gradually increases as the cell charges up, leveling off at around a 70% charge before the current begins to fall until the capacity is full.



The punctuation in the title of Omar Kholeif’s new book is symbolic in more ways than one. The underscore in Internet_Art: From the Birth of the Web to the Rise of NFTs goes beyond a simple riff on the language of computers. “We are discussing the mass medium of our time. It has changed everything,” the writer, curator, and historian explains. “Hence why the book is titled Internet ‘underscore’ Art, because the internet underscores every facet of how we consume, digest, and produce visual culture today.”

The book is intended to tell “a story of art that parallels the rise of the internet in a historical context – one that seeks to hold a mirror back up at the constant culture of speculation around art, aesthetics, and digital culture”, says Kholeif. It begins by setting the record straight in terms of what the elusive term ‘internet art’ really means, explaining that it “isn’t necessarily art for the computer or even art about the computer. Instead, it is art that is produced with a knowing awareness of the networked nature of our collective culture.” What sounds like a niche strand of art suddenly feels as though it’s everywhere. The book itself is possibly the best example of how broad ‘internet art’ can be. Kholeif drew from all corners of the internet but wrote most of it by hand.

Internet_Art’s jumping off point is 1989, the year Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web at Cern, and stretches through to today, with relatively smaller closing chapters dedicated to rapidly evolving tech innovations like the metaverse and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which have only burst into the mainstream consciousness in the last couple of years. A sequel to this book written in 30 years’ time would no doubt look altogether different.