Xiaomi has launched its new Redmi 13C 5G series at an affordable price in India. The new Xiaomi Redmi 13C 4G and Xiaomi Redmi 13C 5G will arrive as the successor to the Redmi 12C series. These phones bring significant upgrades compared to their predecessors and will be available on sale on Amazon, Xiaomi’s website…
Tag: Xiaomi Redmi 13C
Redmi 13C Confirmed To Launch In India On This Date
Xiaomi has revealed that its upcoming budget smartphone, the Redmi 13C, will arrive in India in December. The Xiaomi Redmi 13C launched in China earlier this month and is the successor to the Xiaomi Redmi 12C. The specifications of the upcoming smartphone have leaked and will likely bring incremental upgrades. Redmi 13C Will Launch In…
Xiaomi Redmi 13C Colours Revealed Ahead Of Launch
Xiaomi has been teasing the launch of its affordable smartphone, the Xiaomi Redmi 13C. The phone recently leaked in a hands-on video, and the company is likely to launch soon globally. The company has posted a teaser revealing the colour options of the Redmi 13C before its launch. Redmi 13C Colours And Design RevealedAccording to…