Google has enhanced its Play Protect security feature with real-time scanning abilities. It can now scan your Android phone in real-time to defend against threats like Malware. This feature will certainly make Android devices more secure against emerging threats. Google Play Protect Gets Real-Time Scanning The Google Play Protect feature can look for threats on…
Tag: Android phone
How to speed up an Android phone
Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to help. Our first tip on how to speed up Android phones is: just reboot! Turn your phone off, then turn it on again. This might seem weird, but there’s a good reason for it. If, like many people, you leave you Android phone on all…
Can You Get Viruses on Android? Every Android User is at Risk
The double espresso and bagel you ordered wasn’t cheap, reminding you it’s been a while since you checked your bank account. You pull out your Android phone and sign into your bank’s app. You’ve unknowingly just opened yourself up to a common security vulnerability. With a technique called a “man-in-the-middle” attack (MITM), a hacker sets…