
Dead phone? On your device there is a hidden function to save it: with two clicks you have solved

Iphone phones are certainly among the best products on the market. But often the battery causes some problems. Here because.

Apple technology is now recognized as one of the most advanced and qualitatively among the best in the world. However, one of the problems that iPhones often experience is excessive battery consumption. It must have happened to everyone to find themselves with a rather low percentage despite the fact that the phone was disconnected from the charge a few hours before. This happens especially when you are out of the house and the phone starts to go blank. Let’s find out why this happens.

Among the reasons that must be highlighted for this phenomenon of exaggerated battery consumption, the main problem lies in the fact that iPhones are constantly looking for wireless networks to be able to operate at their maximum power. A good? More or less, because this constant activity does nothing but suck energy from the mobile phone, which will consume battery and cause the unwanted effect, if there is no Wi-Fi to hook up. In reality, on the one hand, Apple would also like us to save on our private connection, the one that is activated with the various telephone companies. A beautiful intention which, however, has its negative effects but to which there is a remedy.

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