
Optimization of operating systems

However, the iOS and Android operating systems manage search and battery usage better and better. A few years ago, Sony took into account the morning alarm to adapt the recharge to 100% a few minutes before. A strategy widely adopted by other manufacturers. Google has greatly improved its operating system, especially since version 9 Pie.

In the past, the various manufacturers offered techniques to kill apps in the background in order to limit consumption, but this era is now over. We now know that relaunching a service ultimately requires a lot of energy. With embedded machine learning, which goes by the sweet name of Auto Awesome Battery, Android is now able to analyze the use made of applications to optimize their use. “No need to kill WhatsApp in the background if it is used every 5 min”, details our interlocutor. Another example, Android is able to know, by interrogating the gyroscopes of the mobile, if there has been a physical movement or not and to “prohibit in the latter case a request for geolocation costly in energy made by a running application” .

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