
Smartphone: tips for recharging the battery and saving energy

Unplugging the charger, avoiding peak hours, activating the “energy saving” option… Here are the reflexes to adopt to charge your mobile phone economically and preserve your battery.

At a time when the French are called to energy sobriety, everything is good for saving energy, including with your smartphone. Charging it properly will reduce your electricity bill and preserve the battery.

Don’t leave your phone on charge all night

Have you got into the habit of plugging in your phone when you go to bed so that it is charged to 100% in the morning? This is a very bad reflex. Not only does this practice waste electricity, but it will also reduce the life expectancy of your battery. According to a study by the energy laboratory Berkeley Lab, an average phone plugged into a power outlet spends 3.68 watts when charging and 2.24 watts when charged and remains plugged into the mains while the battery is full.

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